In the past five years,mobile phone market have been a giant change.Especially Apple phone,people in their mind think it is the best smartphone over review.Still and all,there are many people hate iPhone.
Scratches,Lightning dock connector,weight too light,Screen issues and Leaking light,these are reasons that people hate iPhone 5.It is their consideration.These days,Apple has fallen out of favor with investors ever since the iPhone 5 was launched in September. The day the device was launched was the exact day that Apple peaked, and shares have given up as much as 45% since then.
Perhaps that's not a coincidence, as a new report from social marketing agency We Are Social proclaims that the iPhone 5 was the most hated smartphone launched recently. In contrast, Samsung's rival Galaxy S4 was considered the most loved device. However, the methodology for the report is somewhat dubious: We Are Social measures sentiment on social-media networks such as Twitter and other forums.
Within this feedback, 20% of comments about the iPhone 5 are negative, while "just" 11% were negative for the Galaxy S4. The study covered four flagship device launches: Apple's iPhone 5, Samsung's Galaxy S4, BlackBerry's Z10, and Nokia's Lumia 920. The iPhone 5 also had the most conversations surrounding it.
At the end of the day, the criticism doesn't matter. Apple leapfrogged everyone by several years when it introduced the first iPhone. Today, its mobile ecosystem is the best there is. Its mobile operating system is the best there is. And that's what really grabs people's attention. Software. Not hardware tricks and specs.
Apple has a history of cranking out revolutionary products ... and then creatively destroying them with something better. People come to different thought with different life.We just keep on our belief.
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